We are pleased to offer massage therapy in the office since the muscular component of back pain must also be addressed. A good massage is a far better way to treat muscular pain than muscle-relaxants and pain-killers could ever be. Massage is also generally far better than the machine oriented physical therapy so prevalent within the medical model. The combination of massage and chiropractic is the best way to treat most back pain.
Chandra is a licensed massage therapist with over 12 years of experience. She has taken many advanced courses, including Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular Therapy, and Cranio-Sacral Techniques. She is dedicated to helping her clients achieve their wellness goals through massage. With her passion for science and holistic beliefs in body integration, she is on a quest to continually learn and apply new massage therapies. She enjoys doing very specific, healing massage.
Chiropractors find that most back problems have their source in poorly functioning spinal joints.
Nutritional consultation is also available. The emphasis here is on making modifications to your diet.
A good massage is a far better way to treat muscular pain than muscle-relaxants could ever be.
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You may also send us a copy of your insurance card (both sides please) which will enable us to find out what your chiropractic coverage is before you come in. If you are able to scan it, please email it to: info@farmingtonchiropractic.com